Mental Health Support

The body and mind are intimately connected. Body-focused treatments have been shown to be some of the most successful ways of healing psychiatric disorders. Here is a little more information about therapeutic modalities I have training in.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is defined by founder Peter Levine as “a body-focused therapy used for treating people suffering from PTSD that integrates body awareness into the psychotherapeutic process, taking a unique approach not used by other PTSD treatment methods. The focus of the therapy is on creating awareness of inner physical sensations, which are the carriers of traumatic memory.”

SE works by having an individual slowly and incrementally go back and forth between the physical sensations experienced in a traumatic memory, a positive memory, and the present. This gradual back and forth helps remind the nervous system of how to go from the fight/flight/freeze aspects of the sympathetic nervous system down to the rest, digest, and healing of the parasympathetic nervous system. This method is helpful for people who have been diagnosed with PTSD, CPTSD, General Anxiety Disorder, Depression and Dissociation.

This process is a patient approach, which allows clients to gradually retrain their nervous systems so that they can live the kind of life they want to live. It can be done in person or online over a video call.

Internal Family Systems

We all have parts. The part of us that wants to go to the movies. The part of us that is worried about getting the bills paid on time. The part of us that looks in the mirror and passes judgment on what we see. This system of healing helps people work from their core self to create relationships with all their parts so they can work in harmony together, bringing balance to your life.

Attachment Theory

Attachment theory focuses on relationships and bonds (particularly long-term) between people, including those between a parent and child and between romantic partners.

Learning to understand the attachment styles you adopted as you grew up can help you understand why you respond to various situations and relationships the way that you do. This understanding can influence the way you parent and respond to the important people in your life, be they coworker, boss, friend or significant other.

If you already know your attachment style and want to change it either for a specific situation or all around that is totally possible. Feeling secure in yourself and your life is within your grasp.